Wednesday, May 27, 2015


May 25th, 2015. I am looking through news articles, and images of white tombstones, and widows lying down next to them with babies in their arms, and crying family members embracing because of the fallen. Through all of that, one thing in particular grabbed me, “every day is memorial day”. Okay, I thought, maybe it is. See I go to a public university that is funded and subsidized through tax dollars of the generous souls of Seattle, and the greater state of Washington. Washington is in the upper left corner, which resides in the United States of America. The University of Washington itself does not formally recognize Memorial Day. They have a gathering and recognition of sorts for Veterans Day, but not Memorial Day, up until this year, (yet was put on by the Veteran's Group, and received donated mini flags from the student Republicans). Sure, I didn’t have to go to class, which was appreciated, but that’s only because it’s a nationally appointed holiday. But as an objective bystander how can I not acknowledge this blunder? Why isn’t there a fucking parade, why aren’t large gatherings people weeping at the bottom of flagpoles? Instead we go to beaches, or a 3-day vacation and raise our hotdogs, and lite American crafted beers towards Jesus, and the heavens and bugle, “GOD BLESS AMERICA!”
            God bless the place where a few pathetic pansy ass men sit in air conditioned rooms with staff to the end of time, and anything anybody would ever want, and push buttons to send young men to die in jungles, sand shit holes, or wherever the next “enemy” lies, all for the few beast’s delusional escapades. Sending drones of lives to the front of hell to die for their name, and the nation of the free. And for-fucking-get even the idea of Bush, or Obama out there in the sand dunes of Iraq or Afghanistan in a flak jacket gripping the trigger of a 50 cal. screaming at the circling bald eagles above, “FOR LIFE, AND FOR LIBERTY!”
            But, hey, you either fight them there, or fight them here. Yes, maybe, perhaps. But would anyone want to fight us before we try and eliminate them? Maybe, but how can we even start to figure that out when we bring the initial fire almost every damn time? Burning full villages with the simple drop of napalm ripping the flesh of disintegrating babies, or a miscalculated drone strike taking out a family and plowing them down into the jihad hell they woke from.
            If you look at the numbers, and accounts, the great nation of truth, and liberty has been killing the unfortunate for majority of its reign. Nation of peace? No. Nation of justice, perhaps, depending on the self titled patriot you ask.
            Take it as you may, but I love this country. I have attempted to reap every benefit that sits in front of me. I come from Veteran parents that signed their lives away for 4 years, which is more than I can say as I sit behind these keys. I just am afraid of us red, white, and bluers getting away from what actually matters, and falling into the generational façade that seems to be encroaching on the horizon. Caring more about a double tap, and a simple-minded click than what’s actually happening around us.
            I went to dinner the other night, and sat around a table with a few family members, and friends, totaling to 5. I looked up from my empty plate, and they were all either looking at their digital handheld robots, or looking over the shoulders of another. It made me sick, and sad, but I never mentioned a word, and then forgot about it till just now. I am just as guilty as them of this sinful act yet there seems to be nothing at all we can do about it. It’ll just be a life long addiction like any unruly pleasure.
            Sure, I do, and we as a people of the USA have it a lot better, relatively, than most around the world. Either by the hands of Uncle Sam, or some other external force. But because we live in a nation like this it should give us, or at least lend us a hand to freely bitch when we want to, for right or wrong, because nothing is ever perfect, no matter how many times you go back to the previous draft, no matter how many times you go to a museum and stare at the hand crafted painting -- there will always be a fuck up with the man made. Never will there be a right and wrong in the world, relativity is far too relative, but fuck it, if it’ll ever stop me from trying to find the balance.
            Perhaps Memorial Day, shouldn’t just be seen as a recognition of the proud individuals that either signed their lives away, or got their hands held to the fire until they did so accordingly, but also to be a recognition of what they actually did, so more don’t have to do the same, for similar reasons.
            Always question the fat cats of DC, and never if given the opportunity blow rainbows, and butterflies up their asses rather than spit on their shoes with no shine. Because they all went to their Ivy Leagues, and private schools, and it’ll be the first time they ever met anyone that is outside their realm. Never forget that they live within a world that us individuals are just numbers, and are disposable given the circumstantial moment. 

            AND, to summarize this shit storm most simply, last, but certainly not least, let’s seal the borders from any more brown people of the south, we can’t have them take more lazy white jobs. Then lets round up and exterminate the fags (because The Good Lord would want us to). Let in the drugs that the DEA wants, and keep funding our allies of the cartels, and nab any black street corner dealer that even breathes in the direction of a police cruiser. Pave over the satanic anti-abiding Middle East, aside from the manufactured Israel, and make a mega Wal-Mart that’ll only sell false hope, and fabricated doctrine, because, of course, we are the nation of the free, and the United States of The Righteous. 

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