Thursday, January 29, 2015

No Sunset in the Desert

So this also was for a class, professors have this idea that from obstructions comes art, or something. Sometimes that's true, I guess, but this just felt mostly annoying more than anything. The first paragraph's obstruction was that the sentences could only contain 7 or less words. The second paragraph's obstruction was no periods, which I had no problem with whatsoever, they're a waste of time anyway. And the third paragraph just had to be all dialogue which is the only thing I'm decent at anyway. So here it is :

He threw his hands in the air. She was having a fit. The trip had failed, maybe. The sun was still high up. Where were they going, nearest motel. Barren fields laughing at this troubled couple. Little hope for them, they’d fry. They’d wake the next morning, with dissolution. Unaware still, stuck in the maze. Sweat dripping from his brow. Woman twitching her sunglasses, she wanted out. The man wanted out. The entire situation was dire. Where were they going. What next. They already tried that route. Going in circles in the desert. The sun dropping more now, just by a bit. It’s getting later, bit darker. But they’ll miss the sunset.

The man lit another cigarette, the woman fumbled for her own, it was hot in that old dark Buick, sun beating down on the dark paint, going around in those desert circles, nowhere to stop and ask, what the hell kind of place is this, is this a place, is this a land of nothing, barren of life, barren of time, only the sun can tell us when to head home, or at least try to find it, out here, the man adjusted his hat, pushing it farther up on his head, the woman took off her white gloves, why’d they leave LA, the car needs gas, they both needs a pillow, a motel, a place, people, the map made no sense, when you have no idea where you are there is no sense in looking at a dumb map, fucking thing was useless, fancy piece of paper, perhaps tomorrow will be better, the seat folds down, and the sides of the road will be the motel tonight, sun is dropping, and it’s getting a bit darker, but they’ll miss the sunset.

“Jesuuuus Christ, Angela”

“WHAT? How can you turn this situation on ME?”

“BECAUSE, you have the map. . .darling”

“You TRY and READ this goddamn thing!”

“But I am. . .driving”


“Right. . .”

“We’re lost TOM, we’re really lost”

“Yeah, and it’s fucking hot, it’s really just really fucking hot”

“God it is, I’m sweating everywhere”

“Oh yeah?”

“Oh you stop it with that shit, I haven’t got the time for your antics”

“But. . . we could pull over”


“HOLY SHiiiiT”


“HE CAME OUT OF NOWHERE. . .literally”

“ohMYohMYohMY . . .”

“You think . . . he’s. . .dead?”

“Oh mmmyyy gaaawwwd”

“Don’t start crying”


“. . .Angela”


“okay, okaaay”


“Holy fucking mother of god . . .ANGELA”



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